Designed for players and Game Masters alike, Issue 01: Heroes and Villains and Gadgets, OH MY! is meant to inspire ideas for a modern to future superhero setting. As with everything Open Legend, change or add your own flavor and fluff, make it your own, and use it to have a great time with friends.
What's Included
- PDF of Every Roll Matters Zine: Issue #01 Heroes and Villains and Gadgets, OH MY!
- 1 digital GM Encounter Map
- 1 digital Player version Encounter Map
- 1 digital encounter Note Handout (2 variants)
- 1 digital 4k 16:9 desktop wallpaper
27 pages
(30 pages, but first 3 pages are cover, title page, and table of contents)
- 2 GM advice articles
- 1 Player build advice & example article
- 1 Villain organization with sample NPCs
- 1 short encounter based on Villain Organization
- 1 Item shop seller with 8 items, 2 of which are Legendary
- Info on 4 Actual Plays out in the wild
- Rules kitchen
- new Boon officially being added to Core Rules
- 2 Feats for playtesting
- Full color
- 1 landscape cover (2 full page images)
- 1 Full body character
- 1 half body character
- 4 item illustrations
- 2 Maps (GM and Player version), VTT ready
- 2 Note handouts
- Includes a Desktop (16:9) wallpaper of the cover